
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Good Neighbors

A few years ago when my brother was house hunting, I remember him complaining about not being able to find one in the "right" zip code. In Enid, the "right" zip code is 73703...the West side of town. It's where Wal Mart is. It's where Applebees is. It's also where the price of a house goes up $10,000 minimum because of its proximity to these things. There's also a perception of a higher crime rate on the East side, which I'm not convinced is true, and a bit of a rivalry between junior high schools based on this.

I bought a house on the east side. I don't think I did more than look in the windows of a house on the west side. I had my reasons. The big one being money. The little one being proximity to my own job. I also made up my mind before I even started looking that I didn't want a house built after 1950. Why? I wanted a porch--which I didn't really get--it's more of a stoop--and accessible pipes. I can't handle the idea of some guy taking a jack hammer to my kitchen floor just to get to my pipes, thank you. The east side has more 1940's type houses---which tend to be a good compromise between my dream house---a 1920's bungalow---and a ranch on a slab that might need serious plumbing work done someday involving the removal of tile.

I remember looking at this house as a compromise. The living room is too small. The front yard had glass in the flower beds and a driveway steep enough for kids to sled down. No dining room. I didn't think I'd like it here until I met my neighbors. My neighbor across the street brought me a plant and helped me till up the flower bed in the front yard the first time I met her. Her husband sneaks over and poisons the weeds in my driveway. She also gives me iris and tiger lily bulbs. My next door neighbor insists on mowing the part of my yard adjoining his and weed-eats my front yard when he does his own.

I used to think it was because I didn't have a weed-eater, so I bought one. Today took the cake. I came home from work to find weed-eating tracks on my sidewalk. Then I went to let the dogs out and my riding lawn mower (that I wasn't able to move when I was cutting the backyard Monday night because of the overgrown weeds surrounding it---starter's dead on it) had been moved back to where I had it before near the house. The barbecue grill has also been moved to a more advantageous position.

I think he saw me trying to move it. I'm also starting to think I need to make sure he didn't accidentally whack the bushes I have in various places not knowing what they are. He has crossed the barrier known as the fence! I suppose there is a price for everything but putting edging in so my sneaky and well meaning neighbors don't accidentally kill my plants is a small one. I'll take my east side neighbors and my east side neighbor hood any day.

1 comment:

  1. We moved from a place where we had wonderful neighbors to a place where I wouldn't go next door to ask for an egg. You are lucky you have such great neighbors. God put you in that house for a reason!
